Teaching cross stitch…

A friend asked me if I could show her how to cross stitch and of course I was delighted to share one of my passions! Cross stitch is such a nice way to spend a few hours and create something.  So my friend came over today and I outfitted her with basic supplies and a kit or two and showed her the way.  And she reads my blog so I’ve decided to comb the net for a few sites that teach how to cross stitch…

Well, I hope that I have some starters for those wishing to cross stitch.  Winter has just started to become cold in this Canadian climate, so pull up a chair and put your needle to your fabric.

Oh, I must let my sister know that as I was showing MC how to cross stitch the memory of  her teaching me was vivid…now on your next trip here J, or when I go there, you HAVE to help me with crocheting! 🙂



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